Rajaâ Benjelloun, avant-garde Arabic calligraphy

Who has never been fascinated by Arabic calligraphy? A writing or rather forms perfected through the ages, which, by a magical entanglement of letters, give the Arabic language an incomparable aesthetic and beauty.

While respecting the form, movement and aesthetics of Arabic calligraphy, Rajaâ Benjelloun brings his personal touch and gives this art a new dimension.

Calligraphy thus leaves its traditional framework. It is dressed in new material and combines with paint.

The result is exceptional and original: Arabic letters tangled and cut out of hard cardboard to force the impression of relief and painted in bright or soft colors depending on the mood of the artist.

With this first exhibition in Paris (exhibition which took place until May 16, 1990 in the Arts and Life space), Rajaâ Benjelloun left her mark on contemporary Arabic calligraphy to which she intended to devote all her art and talent.

Espace Arts et Vie
jusqu’au 16 Mai 1990
251 rue de Vaugirard, Paris

Arribate N°3/90 Mai-Juin 1990